
In Cayman we are extremely lucky to enjoy a beautiful, natural environment. However, if we are to continue to benefit from this natural beauty in future, we must do what we can to protect our playground.

As an organisation we are keen to minimise our impact on the environment, and ensure we have left things better than we found them. We actively teach our students what environmental stewardship means and encourage them to learn and follow Leave No Trace principles.

Getting youth interested in and involved with their natural environment is a organic by-product of being active outdoors. While kiting or windsurfing in the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea, you can often look down to see a stingray or turtle swimming along beside you under the water. Such encounters can be quite magical and often engender awe and respect for our natural world. Students are often inspired to learn more about local flora and fauna simply due to the exposure to a wide range of species they might not otherwise have encountered.

